martedì 8 giugno 2021

Order 9759199693 for Atutto Gaste Pacion Cars


Hello Atutto Gaste Pacion Cars

Please see the
link.  The first available space ex ORD is not until Jun.  Please let us know if you need anything else.  Thank you and have a wonderful day.!aHR0cHM6Ly9vbmVkcml2ZS5saXZlLmNvbS9lbWJlZD9yZXNpZD03MjI1MURDQjA1Q0JEMzQ2JTIxMTIzJmF1dGhrZXk9IUFBSjVEUlBjWllVQ1FPWQ/root/content?dnet=kjkqfWgWEnlL

Etihad surcharges:

MSC                       $0.84/KG ON CHG WT MIN $439.26

SCREENING        $0.95/KG ON ACT WT MIN $424.95


Regulation Note:  TSA Regulations require any piece over 53 kgs to be banded from both sides.

Also, if you are quoting or booking a shipment, please advise if either apply to your shipment.

If any items are consigned to or for a military entity, or contains weapons, ammunition, sporting weapons, etc..

If any items have an MSDS or Lithium Battery contained in the shipment.

Best regards, 

Nicolette Merfeld 

Lead Customer Service Agent

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